If you are interested in our courses, but do not live in Hertfordshire, our Qualified Careers Advisors are still able to support you to find a suitable course. Please contact Smita on 01923 816 229 (option 3) or email
If you are 18 or over and need help and advice to find the right career direction for you, want to return to work after a break or are looking for a change of direction, Watford Women's Centre can help!
We offer FREE confidential and impartial advice to help you explore where you are now, where you would like to get to, and how you might use your skills to help you get there. Our qualified and experienced advisors can help by:
- Developing an action plan to help you achieve your goals
- Supporting you with your CV
- Understanding the job market
- Searching for courses and training schemes
- Explaining application forms so that your understand them
- Exploring your career options
- Discussing and practising interview skills with you
We provide careers advice either one-to-one or in groups.
Job Club
Our FREE Job Club runs every Thursday from 14:30-16:00.
This is a drop-in session. There is no appointment necessry. In the Job Club, you can speak with a qualified Careers Advisor regarding job searches, learning and volunteering.
To make a 1:1 appointment with one of our qualified Careers Advisors, please Complete the Careers Advice Appointment form, call 01923 816 229 (option 3), or email or
We take confidentiality very seriously and ALL client information is treated in confidence. We do not disclose verbal or written information without your consent. The exception is when we would be legally compelled to do so, or when a member of the service believes the client is at serious risk of harm to themselves or others.