When you send an email it will be stored in your sent folder. Always delete sent emails that you do not want others to see.
- If you start an email but do not finish it or send it, this may be stored in your draft folder. If you do not want someone to see this and do not have time to finish sending, it is advisable to go to drafts and delete the email and start again with a new emails when you have time.
- Even if you have deleted the email and receive a response, your original email will usually be in the reply message. Delete this email if you don’t want anyone to see the emails.
- Even when you delete an email from the sent folder or the draft folder it does not completely delete altogether, it goes into the deleted folder. Always delete emails from the deleted folder.
- Ensure notifications for the email account are turned off to avoid anyone seeing an email notification from us on your devices or shared computers.
After every online session please remember to log out.